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Holistic Health Coaching

Real food. Real change. Lasting results.

My philosophy as a holistic health coach is that true wellbeing encompasses more than just food and exercise. It’s about the whole person living in harmony in all areas of their life — experiencing joy, vitality, and purpose.


You deserve joy. You have a purpose. Holistic health coaching can help you find them.


As your coach, I’ll help you:

  • Learn to love, appreciate, and nurture your body

  • Learn to listen to yourself and your body

  • Create healthy, sustainable habits that empower you

  • Find the foods and exercise or activities that make you feel great

  • Practice intuitive eating

  • Explore and savor other forms of nourishment 

  • Prioritize self care and rest

  • Create a rhythm that helps you thrive!


When it comes to diet and exercise, I KNOW how hard it is to find the right plan and stick to it — especially if you’re struggling with cravings. All of my coaching services involve high accountability. Because you don’t have to do this alone!

One-on-one Coaching



One on One programs starting at $1895

In addition to one on one coaching, I offer several coaching programs to best serve my clients’ needs, preferences, and budgets.

5-Day Seasonal Cleanse

This short and sweet 5-day program is a welcome and refreshing break from toxins and habits that aren’t serving you. You will be amazed at how much of a difference you will feel after just 5 days! It’s the first step in breaking the hold that sugar, caffeine, and gluten have on your body so that your cravings no longer run the show. This program is run primarily through a Facebook group. It is super fun and effective!



Total investment: $97 - includes recipes, workbook, grocery list, and tons of support (there is an Early Bird discount, so jump in early!)


This is my signature program, and it is a powerful vehicle to transform your body, mind, and experience of food in just 12 short weeks!


This program is perfect for you if you feel like you’ve tried everything, or have no idea where to start. Maybe your health took a backseat for a long time while you focused on your family or career — and now your life and your body have changed so much that finding your way back to yourself and to your natural weight feels overwhelming.


I’ve been there. Change can be hard, but with the right support system and accountability, you can sail through it more easily than you think. I’ll be your guide on this journey. And I am all about finding joy and fun along the way!


I’ll help you not only lose weight, but to reset your metabolism at the lower weight so that you maintain it. Because losing the weight is only part of the journey. You’ll find that once you start making positive changes to your health, you’ll start to see shifts in other areas of your life. (Something I like to call the ripple effect.)  Many of my clients have seen profound changes in their marriages, work, and relationships after going through this program.

Reboot 1:1


  • Program handbook, recipes, sample menus, program supplies

  • 12 weekly or bi-weekly private 60-minute coaching sessions

  • Average weight loss is between 10-30 pounds

  • Average inches lost (this is big!) is 15”- 30”

  • We work together to find your best long term lifestyle diet and fitness plan

  • Recommendations for additional modalities (optional)

  • Daily support via text during portions of the program

  • Weekly handouts, and all supplies for program



Ideal for clients who want the focused one on one attention, value privacy, have variable schedules or just want private coaching.
Starting at $1895

"It is was the best decision I could have ever made. I lost a total of 25 pounds and kept them off. Not only did Derenda help me with the weight loss but she was always available to talk if I had any questions or concerns." - Patti B.

Reboot Group Coaching


  • Totally done-for-you menus, handbook, recipes and menu ideas

  • Everything needed for the program, recommendations for additional supplements

  • 12 weekly or bi-weekly 60-minute coaching sessions with small group of like-minded individuals

  • Private Facebook group for additional support (only your Reboot group participants)

  • Customized diet and exercise/activity plan

  • Recommendations for additional modalities (optional)

  • Daily support via text/email check-ins



Even though this is a group program, it is still a very high touch program, with lots of accountability. Ideal for clients on a budget or who have friends or family who want to do Reboot with them, and clients who enjoy learning and growing with others.
Starting at $1195

"Dear Derenda - I just want to thank you for leading me on this reboot journey. I have to say I was very skeptical as I’ve done so many different diets, exercises, and lifestyle changes and nothing has worked. But I knew I shouldn’t give up and that something would have to work. Well nothing did, until I did your reboot program. Not only did I lose 14 lbs but I’ve been keeping it off and even better, my doctor is impressed with how great all my bloodwork is. He said it’s the best it’s been in years. Cholesterol is down, inflammation is down, thyroid is moving in the right direction and metabolism is much better. So thank you, thank you, thank you for all the love and the daily support not just during the program but post program too! I highly recommend you and the program to anyone and everyone. my advice to all those people who feel like giving up is simply …don’t! It’s not you, it’s the food you’re eating and Derenda can help you figure that out!"

- Audrey B.

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