Group Program runs
September 19th - 23rd, 2022
The leaves are changing, the air is getting cooler, and, if you’re like me, you’re getting ready to get back on track after a summer of sun and fun. Before you give up on your healthy habits and give in to the sugary treats of the holidays (pumpkin spice EVERYTHING), there’s still time to drop some weight, get more energy and get your glow back.
Most of us think of summer as fun and play, but we also might be eating more sugary treats (ice cream + fun cocktails!) than we realize. As the seasons change, we’re given a great opportunity to check in and re-assess how we’re doing with our health goals.
Are you experiencing any of the following?
Carrying excess weight around your belly
Experience sugar or salt cravings on a regular basis
Have skin blemishes and breakouts
Can’t think straight or feel like you have brain fog
Get the late afternoon energy slump
Wake up still feeling tired
Feel like you’ve lost your glow
If so, it might be time for a gentle whole foods detox! Even when we eat really clean foods, we’re exposed to toxins in our environment all the time, and those hitchiking chemicals can really put a kink in our weight loss goals!
This program is perfect for you if you’ve never detoxed before, and it’s especially right if you’re nervous about what might happen to you during a detox.
The 5-Day Detox for Beginners really works because:
Many, many clients have done this detox and have benefitted from this gentle yet highly effective detox protocol
You’ll be eating a whole-foods-based diet with legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains and some lean proteins
You’ll get a TON of support from me during the group detox via our members-only support forum (from September 19th - 23rd)
I’ve created an awesome book of recipes that includes easy to prepare recipes your whole family will eat (seriously! They’ve passed my grandchildren's test!)
You’ll have optional supplements you can add in to the program to make your detox even deeper
I’m committed to your success. If you need help at any time during your detox program, I’ll be there to support you, answer your questions, and tweak your program so it works for you.
Now here’s the big question. Why detox in the first place?
I’m so glad you asked. I used to think detoxes were only for health nuts and celebrities (think Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Aniston). Then, I started learning more about nutrition, about our bodies’ physiology and about the environmental toxins we’re exposed to on a daily basis. It’s really intense! Did you know that scientists have determined that most people are carrying 700 contaminants in their bodies? These chemicals have been linked to all kinds of damage including cancer, high blood pressure, memory problems, immune dysfunction, attention deficit disorder, and more.
Yes, our bodies do work to detox on a daily basis, and they do this through four primary organs: the lungs, the kidneys, the skin and the liver. The challenge comes when our bodies get exposed to more toxins than they can process out, which is happening to all of us every day. The truth of the matter is that toxic chemicals in our food, our air, our water and in materials all around us can quickly overload our systems.
When our bodies get overexposed to toxins, our liver does the best job it can to protect us, and it does this by wrapping those toxins in mucous and storing them in fat cells. EEEW! The problem with that is when we have a toxin stored in our fat, we can’t burn that fat until we release and process that toxin! The reality is that no matter how much you exercise, eat right, and manage your stress, you won’t be able to lose that stubborn fat until you partake in a detox and get rid of those toxins for good.
(Insert Sign Up Now button that links to payment page)
The 5-Day Detox for Beginners is perfect for you if:
You’ve never detoxed before
You’ve detoxed before, but you’ve found that hardcore raw, vegan and juice cleanses don’t really work for you
You’re really busy and don’t have time for a longer detox program
You want a gentle but effective detox
You’re looking for a whole foods detox program
You want to clean out your system before the holidays hit
You ready to hit the re-set button on your eating habits
Many people have participated in the 5-Day Detox for Beginners. Here’s what a few of them had to say:
Initially, I was quite skeptical about doing a 5 day Reset. Would I really feel better after just 5 days? But I was tired of feeling tired and unhealthy so I signed up for the 5-day Reset program of Derenda’s. It was one of the BEST decisions I had ever made. I felt so much better, lighter, clearer, and healthier. It is a very easy plan to follow and Derenda offers recipes, grocery lists, and endless support. She truly wants you to succeed in your health journey. You can do anything for 5 days! I highly recommend this program.
Lori W.
I did your 5 day Detox last summer and I have to say that it was the best I have ever felt. L.W.
I am 56 but already have significant arthritis in my feet, knees and one hand. I have noticed a dramatic difference in pain during the detox! K.W.
What you’ll get with the 5-Day Detox for Beginners:
Dozens of recipes that are specially crafted to support your body’s natural detox processes
Two live training calls taught by me on everything you need to know to detox AND on how to transition out of the detox
A daily protocol with step-by-step instructions on what to do and when to do it
A 20-minute strategy session with me to determine your next steps once you’re done with the detox

Who am I?
I love helping people transform their health, be happier and more purposeful.
As a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner. I have
been helping people get healthy and happy for more than 30 years. In all that time I have seen many different diets, some faddish and crazy, and some very legit. I have found what works best is real food, getting back to the basics, and finding what you are willing to commit to. Keeping it simple is a favorite mantra of mine.
I believe in supporting and helping people create a lifestyle that works for them, that feeds their soul as well as their body.
Real food. Real change. Lasting results.
If you’ve been gaining and losing the same weight over and over for the last few years, a whole-foods detox can break that cycle and help you lose the weight for good.

When our bodies become overloaded with toxins, our systems get clogged up and end up storing the excess toxins in our fat cells. When our fat cells get filled with toxins, they can’t get burned off, and even worse: we tend to store MORE fat! A detox is the only way to release those toxins from your fat cells and allows the fat to finally burn away.
Here’s what’s included the Fall 5-Day Detox:
A 5 day whole foods based detox with tons of support and guidance from me, a certified holistic health and expert detox coach – I’m not going to let you slip between the cracks or hide out
A complete daily protocol with step-by-step instructions on what to do and when to do it
Recipes for breakfasts, lunches and dinners along with snack and sweet treat recipes – you won’t have to wonder whether a food is “okay” – I’ll spell it all out for you
Guidance on which foods you need to buy organic and which you don’t (this will help you SAVE MONEY)
Access to my exclusive MEMBERS ONLY Facebook group where you’ll be able to connect with me and other detoxers. If you’ve never joined a group like this before, believe me: this is the best part.
A training live training call with me where I’ll explain the detox step-by-step, and you’ll have a chance to ask all your questions before we get started
And just for signing up, I want to thank you by giving you a bunch of bonus gifts:
Bonus #1: A shopping list template, so you’ll zip through the grocery store
Bonus #2: A complete “Rev Up Your Reset” Bonus Tips Handbook to help you get the best results during your Reset
Bonus #3: An eating out guide to help you stick to your Reset if you have a business lunch or a meal out
Bonus #4: An post-reset strategy call LIVE with me to check-in, ask your questions and get more tips for keeping your best body in top shape after the Detox is over
The Fall 5-Day Detox kicks off on November 9th
If you’re ready to release your toxic weight and feel great, sign up now!
P.S. 5 Day Detoxes are way more fun when you do them with friends, so spread the word! Share this link with your sisters, mothers, cousins and BFFs, and help them get their health buzz back in gear, too!
Money back guarantee: I believe my 5-Day Reset will help you feel and look better. If you follow the protocols and you find that doesn’t happen for you, just send an email to derenda@intentionalliving.me within two weeks of signing up and I’ll refund your money within 72 business hours, no questions asked. There’s absolutely no risk – if it doesn’t work, I’ll give you your money back.
Privacy policy: I respect your privacy and hate spam as much as you do. I promise to never sell, rent or otherwise share your private contact information.
Disclaimer + Terms of Use:
Medical Disclaimer: This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to educate you about how to take care of your body and as a self-help tool for your own use so that you can reach your own health goals. It is not intended to treat or cure any specific illness and is not to replace the guidance provided by your own medical practitioner. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgment. If you suspect you have a medical problem, we urge you to take appropriate action by seeking medical attention.